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This was really good beef indeed, John!
The stove, with drying shoes and socks
Eating the beef!
The other stove, not so hot as the first one
John, Simon and Geoff in the lounge
Playing Scrabble! Good fun, even when beaten by a Belgian!
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The sleeping quarters at Alltbeithe
The windmill
View from the hostel. It may be isolated, but it's nicely isolated.
On the road to work, down Glen Affric
The quad provides good service
Glen Affric
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Let's plant some trees, in bad weather even!
Planting trees in inverted turfs
A few wee willows
The gate to keep the deer out
Everybody digging!
Effie with a tree ready to plant

West Affric Thistle Camp April 2006

zondag 23 april 2006

Generated by Galerie

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