It is still raining when I leave camp and ford the Allt an Fhithich to following a fairly decent path towards the Allt Lon Glas Bheinn. The footbridge is in a very sorry state, and definitely impraticable with full gear. No way to ford the torrential burn either. I follow the burn east, through rough terrain, and find the Allt Gharaidh Gualaich also unaffordable. I don't feel like going up all the way to the source of either burn, and decide on an emergency pitch here (NN15319852). It is just past noon, I covered a mere three miles. It is still raining, cold and wet, I feel miserable and depressed, shivering and teeth-shattering, with all gear damp due to the 100% humidity, difficult to keep warm. Hot tea bring some relief, while I try to figure out alternative plans to get out of here and to Glen Garry. |